The “Road to Freedom” Blog

The thought rings in my mind, “Stop writing someone else’s story.” For so many years my addict controlled the story of my life. He told me to be afraid; that I was going to fail, so don’t even try. I so deeply believed my addict’s lies, that I wouldn’t dare to dream of who I am and what I wanted. I resorted to living a life for everyone else but me. I walked a path of loneliness and dread, and settled for being a second-rate version of me. I wrote the story of someone else’s life.

Then I found the program, the 12 Steps, my sponsor, my fellows, and more. I began to share secrets I thought I would bring to my grave. I started to cry, I started to speak from the depths of my heart. For the first time, I began telling my story. 

That brings me to our blog, The Road to Freedom. A place where the men and women of the English-speaking fellowship in Israel write their stories, sharing their experience, strength and hope together. We have a place to find our voice, and express our own unique experience. We invite you to join us on our “road to freedom”read our blog, learn from our messages. Our voice yearned to speak, and so we created a place for it to be heard. We hope you’ll join us. 

So far we’ve published over 25 entirely new recovery articles, authored by over 16 different sober members. We’ve covered topics like positive sobriety, letting go of sick relationships, mental health, lust in the bedroom, surrendering fantasy, coping with the death of loved ones, how to trust our Higher Power, and more! We’ve also published in-depth guides to daily recovery routines, getting through withdrawal, sober traveling, and finding our Higher Power in everyday life. And every week, we publish a brand new article! 

Our collective posts have been read over 2,000 times by members from 29 countries, with many more to come! We also offer an email-only version of the blog for members who don’t have web browsers. 

Our committee is highly active, and we’re constantly recruiting new local members to share their experiences in writing. We believe that at present, it is the only active SA blog in the world that publishes regularly. A new article is published every Monday. All articles are available for free at 

Come join us on the “Road to Freedom”! We hope you’ll find it useful to your recovery. For questions or feedback, contact

The SA Israel “Road to Freedom” Blog Committee

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