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„GOTT, WIE WIR IHN VERSTEHEN" – Egal, wie du eine Höhere Macht verstehst, du bist in AS willkommen! Nicht unsere unterschiedlichen Vorstellungen von Gott, sondern unsere Bereitschaft, uns einer Macht größer als wir selbst hinzugeben (oder es zu lernen), verbindet uns in unserem gemeinsamen Wunsch nach sexueller Nüchternheit.

February 2025 - ESSAY Podcast - Episode 6 - God As We Understand Him

Welcome to “ESSAY Conversations - Beyond the Page,” where sexaholics get together to share our experience, strength, and hope in the Fellowship’s bimonthly magazine. Listen in as we talk to authors and other contributors to the ESSAY magazine. Today’s guests: Bennie G., author of "A Sexaholic Pastor Changes How He Understands God,” talks about his powerful journey in recovery. Gene T., author of "Chairing the 2025 International Conventions," discusses this summer’s upcoming convention in Dallas. Be sure to visit for the latest articles from the ESSAY magazine.

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