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"COOPERATING WITH PROFESSIONALS" — Some of us came in through professionals of various kinds, whether they were therapists, helpline workers, psychiatrists, life coaches, or clergy members. Others started making use of their services after being for some time in SA and finding out we needed professional help on our underlying traumas and personality disorders. Cooperating with professionals is important to the well-being of our future and current members alike. We hope that the shares in this edition may inspire you and your local fellowship to cultivate a grateful and fruitful collaboration with your local professional community.


Since June the ESSAY website has been made free for everyone by decision of the Board of Trustees. If you paid for a subscription to the website and would like a refund for the remaining months, please contact SAICO: 

October 2022 “Aha! Moments” video: “Joe Starts a Meeting”

This is not an official SA video. “Joe Starts a Meeting” is the 2nd installment of “Aha Moments”, ESSAY Magazine’s new video series. Different from our first video (about visiting a fellow member in prison), this one is an explainer video, showing specifically how one member started a meeting. If you’d like more information about how to start a meeting in your area, be sure to watch “Joe Starts a Meeting” and then contact SA’s Central Office to get you in touch with the right committees. Sexaholics Anonymous International Central Office (SAICO) E-mail: Phone: +1 615-370-6062

Get a printed version of the ESSAY

The ESSAY is available as a beautiful, full-color, 36-page PRINT magazine, delivered worldwide by SAICO.

Mailed individual six-issue print subscriptions are only $24.00 USD/year to addresses in the United States and to Canada, and $31.00 USD/year for addresses outside North America. Group rate (10+ copies sent to one address) is $21.00 USD/year to USA addresses. Multiple-year subscriptions are welcome.

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