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"THE SLOGANS" — There is a unique and rich treasure of Slogans in AA, although they seem to be—but for the most obvious ones—less known and used in SA. Uncover their history in this special ESSAY edition; dig up with us some of those golden jewels and precious gems; relish how our members use them in their daily lives. We hope that you enjoy their shares and that one or two of old or new Slogans may further open your mind and continue to enhance your recovery.


Since June the ESSAY website has been made free for everyone by decision of the Board of Trustees. If you paid for a subscription to the website and would like a refund for the remaining months, please contact SAICO: 

August 2022 “Aha! Moments” video: “But, for the Grace of God, Go I”

Be sure to check out our brand-new video, “But, for the Grace of God, Go I”, the FIRST in our NEW series, Essay Magazine’s “AHA! Moments”. This new series will feature an original video each issue of the Essay Magazine. Consisting of SA Stories of Discovery, brought to life with sound effects, character voices and music, “AHA! Moments” will all be enhanced using visual media. This video is about a revelation that occurred to one of our members as he was visiting a friend in prison. Reviewers have said: “Wow, it’s chilling, truthful, powerful and hits the nail right on its head.” “Hard-hitting and riveting!” “Very sobering video which left me feeling very grateful.” “An excellent work with a jolting message” “WOW!! Very powerful!” This is not an official SA video. If you’d like to help “our friends in prison”, please write to:

On this homepage, enjoy reading or listening to the six main articles of the current edition. Click on the language icons on top of this page to switch to any of the nine different languages

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The ESSAY is available as a beautiful, full-color, 36-page PRINT magazine, delivered worldwide by SAICO.

Mailed individual six-issue print subscriptions are only $24.00 USD/year to addresses in the United States and to Canada, and $31.00 USD/year for addresses outside North America. Group rate (10+ copies sent to one address) is $21.00 USD/year to USA addresses. Multiple-year subscriptions are welcome.

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