The International Committee

Serving on Trustee Committees of SA is one of the most rewarding ventures I have experienced in recovery. Why? It promotes humility in me, as relatively few know of what the Committees do (low attention to self). No awards or pins for years of service (little room for self-exaltation). But there ARE rewards for service on the Trustee Committees, like:

  • Meeting and serving with SAers I would likely not get to know well in any other venue.
  • It is a great way to carry out the Fifth Tradition of carrying the SA message of recovery to the still suffering sexaholic.

I serve as a member of the International Committee (IC). A majority of the members of Sexaholics Anonymous reside outside the US. Our role is to support the areas of the world that are not served by an SA Region. Of these there are currently three: Africa, India & vicinity, and Pacific Rim. In these areas there are many loners and meetings without Intergroups, with minimum contact with SA. We get to support them in developing in their SA connections.

Serving as Committee Chair has helped me grow in dependence on my Higher Power and reliance on Committee members for guidance and support. Organizational and creative skills have been exercised in new ways. And that muscle of willingness to do “whatever” has been stretched from time to time! SA is a thoroughly spiritual program.

If my spiritual growth as an IC member is any indicator, you also will experience growth as you accept the challenge of growing as a member of a Trustee Committee.

For more information, contact our Central Office:

Duane D., South Carolina, USA

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