Discussion Topic

Discussion Topic

Does your home group do everything
that it takes to be a strong meeting?

The author of Tough Love Changing Lives describes what made the change for him back in 1993. Apart from the Gift of Desperation, he had friends who cared enough for him to take him to a strong meeting, which he describes for us in detail.

Does your meeting have a tough, no-nonsense approach to recovery? Does it discourage dumping and focuses on sharing the Solution?

Are members who indulge in self-pity confronted after the meeting? Are you asking each other which Step you are currently working on?

Does everyone in your group have a sponsor who has a sponsor and who has done all 12 Steps?

Is your meeting steeped in the AA and SA literature?

Do you socialize? Meet in each other’s homes?

Do you show up before the meetings to see what you can give? Do you take care of the ones that need help? Do you do after-meeting fellowshipping?

Do you take care of the newcomers? Do you look for the guy who is on the fringes and not engaged with anyone?

Is everyone equal in your meeting? Is rotation of leadership practiced? Are your meetings and your lives governed by love?

You may use this topic in a discussion meeting, or send a story of your own recovery journey to essay@sa.org

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