CFC-Why Be a Sponsor to a Friend in Prison?


Dear recovering friend,

Eighteen years ago, I became sexually sober and started my SA journey. As a CFC member, then Vice Chair, then Chair, I’ve been engaged in 12-Step correctional work with those on five continents.

We have SA sponsoring and/or meetings running in prisons in several US states. Recently, for the first time outside the US, we’ve established contact with prisoners in Australia. International sponsors connect with SAs throughout the US by mail and email. South American members write to Spanish speakers. SACFC trusted servants create places for women who self-identify with SA in prison.

The prison SA community has expanded to several hundred men and women. Prisoner sponsees work with SA sponsors on defects like resentment, shame, and other spiritual manifestations of their addiction. Sponsees discover direction through the SA solution, in prison—parallel to our own experience. Psychic change takes most of us a lifetime.

I happily think of a certain sponsee who discovered SA in prison. A former prisoner, he lives in an automotive manufacturing state, is now a respected member of his free community. He got sober through working the Steps by mail nine years ago. In his first job after prison, he was in line for a promotion. But his employer fired him in 2019, because of his prison record. Then, after prayer and reflection (and action), a contact called him with information on a company looking to hire. He got the job and is in line for further promotion. He is married, owns a home, a car, and is sober in recovery.

Please share this letter with your local groups, your sponsor, your spiritual director, your fellowship, your spouse, and your Higher Power.

The very personal joy I get from helping another is the result of a simple daily question: “How May I Serve You Today?” Being a trusted servant has been the locus of continued joy for many of us. May you discover it for yourself.

I hope you will consider correctional service as part of your New Year recovery resolutions.

All blessings,

Eric S., California, USA — SACFC Chair July, 2018 - Jan 2021

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