The Most Important Service is to Have a Positive Sobriety

In this time of disorder, struggle and transition God is at work. Sexaholics Anonymous is emerging as part of the solution. Technology has brought fellowship members into contact with large numbers of fellow sexaholics we would normally not have the opportunity to meet, nationally and internationally. More than ever, the Fellowship of Sexaholics Anonymous is contributing to the work of our Higher Power: the healing of family, community and society. The most important service any of us in the Fellowship can do, is to have a positive sobriety.

Birth pangs are painful. What we are experiencing nationally as a health crisis and civil unrest is nothing new. This too shall pass. But what will emerge in our Fellowship is an increased Higher Power vision and dedication to Our Primary Purpose.

After years of struggle in Sexaholics Anonymous I was blessed with the Gift of sobriety, 5 Sept. 1993. Near 75 yrs of life, two bouts of cancer in sobriety, I see the Fellowship of Sexaholics Anonymous entering, evolving into a spiritual path of healing us oldtimers could not have imagined over thirty years ago. The spiritual significance of sobriety at this junction of history cannot be overstated. To have a positive sobriety is to realize it is not about us as individuals anymore. More than ever, we can be of maximum service to our fellow man thru this wonderful fellowship. Let us recommit to Our Primary Purpose and sobriety.

Bob H., Virginia, USA

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