Thank you, David!

From the bottom of our hearts, the Trustees thank you for your years of service as editor of the Essay.

Under your leadership, SA members of the global Fellowship have benefited from the Experience, Strength and Hope (and humor) contained in the Essay.

Words are not enough to express our gratitude to you, David!


The Board of Trustees (Tom K., Denise O., Brendan T., Eric H., Connie T., Steve S., Thad M., Jason C.)

From David

Since 2016 I had the pleasure of editing the Essay. Talented artists and co-editors helped present a Meeting-In-Print each issue. During my time Essay expanded to five issues per year, full color pages, photos of SA meeting sites, and availability as a free download.

The Trustees and GDA supported the wider reach of Essay to include sexaholic voices from around the world and in differing languages, including Spanish, Farsi, Hebrew, Russian, and German.

Please keep using Essay in your local meetings and please send in articles and art and regional announcements to share with other sexaholics.

Please welcome Luc D. from Barcelona, Spain, as your new editor. Luc has provided art for Essay issues and brings a global consciousness to it. He also has lots of great ideas to have Essay be an even more accessible Meeting-In-Print and electronic publication. I am thrilled to welcome him as the successor editor!

David M.

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