Whew, I Made It!

This is my second trip to an out-of-town city for a two day work trip. The first trip I met with the new group I am working with. We spent two long days in tough preparation for our business that concludes today. There was a lot of hard work, and laughing, and getting to know each other.

Yesterday I brought morning snacks (fruit, yogurt, etc.) and almond biscotti. The week before I brought lemon biscotti. We had talked the previous week about how I like to make lemon biscotti at home. After tasting the almond biscotti, I made the comment that I do not care for the almond and will get lemon next time.

One of the women in the group is an attractive divorcee near my age. She made the comment, “You will just have to go to your hotel room and make some.”

Part of my job in negotiations is assessing comments made and the intent. I smiled and let it go. Then the guy in the group asked, do you have a kitchenette in your hotel room? I said no. She then said “well you can come over to my place later and make it there.” Again I smiled with no comment and we went on with our business.

I thank God for the protection at that moment. While I felt the draw, I did not run that scenario or take that drink. Before recovery, it has and would have been much different.

Later that evening I checked into my hotel room, an SA woman who was severely suffering called for ESH who has called in the past. Just being in a hotel room alone can be a temptation, but God’s Power was full strength. I felt no lust whatsoever. I just talked with my sister in the program, shared, and then I prayed with her.

All this to say, I want to share ESH that I have learned in the past with these scenarios.

When God shows up mightily in these situations, I have learned a very valuable lesson and that is, to not say and think when I get back home, “whew I made it.”

The last time that happened and I thought “whew I made it,” I went back out, as I walked into a local coffee shop. It was a close call, very close.

So when I travel back home today I realize that, when I touch down, I will still need God at that moment, if not more. I know God is with me always and when I am walking blindly I am always one prayer away from Him. So today I thank God for the intuition to stay close to Him, especially in areas where I may let my guard down.

Dennis T., Alaska, USA

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