“Figure It Out” — Not One of Our Slogans!

I don’t know if my experience is like anyone else’s or not. But not only did I never “figure it out,” trying to figure it out became a roadblock to surrendering (give up, let go, and let God). This kept me from having the necessary change in attitude and taking the action Steps necessary to connect rightly with God and find sobriety and freedom from lust.

For me, “figuring it out” was my attempt to gain control over lust, over myself, and over the world around me. But I couldn’t control any of those things; I was powerless. I needed power I didn’t have. It had to come from somewhere else, from Someone else.

Trying to figure it out kept me distracted and kept me living deep in my illusions and delusions, instead of having to face the simple truth that I was thoroughly defeated. Trying to figure it out kept me from abandoning myself to God’s grace and power. It kept me from surrendering to God and working the Steps as my sponsors suggested I work them. It kept me wrapped up trying to do things my way. Doing things my way never gained me freedom.

Today I have sobriety, recovery, healing and freedom. I didn’t need to “figure it out” to get here. But I did have to lose the fight, surrender to God, and work the Steps under someone else’s direction in order to connect with the Power that would free me.

Anonymous, Taichung, Taiwan

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