Recovery Rap

This short piece was performed during the variety show at the SA international convention in Seattle last summer. We weren’t sure what to call it — Poem? Spoken word? Rap? Chant? Prayer? Still not sure.

There were about 8 of us with hand drums, and it was delivered in 4/4 time, with 4 percussion measures in between verses. Not sure how it goes over in writing, but it was fun to perform.

A “Rap” to my Higher Power

Secret-self mired, hiding required
Living that way made me sick. And tired.

Resentments, desires. Love’s funeral pyre
I learned from a Sage at a tender age, my little brain mis-fired.

“It’s not my fault!” an Elder said to me
But it’s my problem, and my responsibility.
Yes, it’s my problem and my responsibility.

Secret-self mired, hiding required
Then I turned the key and found HP and now I am inspired.

Now it’s about You, and not about me
It’s time to interrupt this family legacy.

Ego, you’re fired! And HP you’re hired
Together, we’re gonna get my brain re-wired.

Jim S., USA

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