After Party Of The Madrid International Convention

After the Madrid Convention some remaining members gathered at the Prado Museum. The Prado is such an amazing museum, so much fantastic art that it can be overwhelming.

Two of us were ready for a break and we bumped into a few more. A few more started to arrive, out of the woodwork. Someone said why don’t we have a meeting? We found the SA meeting format available on the EMER website, so we pulled the tables together. There were about 10 of us. We chose to have a meeting about just getting current, what is going on for people. There were SAs from Vienna, Ireland, Columbia, the USA, and from Slovakia! (I am sorry if I forgot anyone.)

At first a couple sat near us, but the sounds of the cafeteria were enough of a buffer that we were not afraid. Everyone shared, and we laughed. One member was translated. And we concluded with a prayer. Powerful. What a beautiful thing SA fellowship can be.

Next time you are at the Prado, watch out – there could be a meeting happening…. or anywhere for that matter!!! Best wishes. See you in Seattle, God willing!!!


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