Dear Masturbation

You have been there for my husband through our entire marriage, but you have been a disaster! You have been a stress and anxiety release for him, while causing more for me. You have been there when my husband watched TV, viewed pictures, watched porn, took showers, even next to me in bed. You were there with his fantasies about others, about me.

Most of the time my husband turned to you instead of me. His hand and thoughts turned me away sexually to be with you, leaving me feeling jealous and in competition of you.

You have made me feel incompetent, jealous, sad, angry, ashamed, not good enough, ugly and heartbroken. You have made it so that at times my husband can’t get an erection, keep it or orgasm while with me. Other times you have made him last only a few seconds.

I did not ask for you! I did not want you! But you would not go away! I gave up fighting you, because I couldn’t win. My husband slipped farther and farther away from me and more to you. I even found myself turning to you at times, but it left me more sad and confused.

I longed for a sexual relationship with my husband. You took that away. I would cry at times when I’d wake and not find my husband in bed. I knew he had turned to you instead of me. I was left so alone.

No more! You are not welcome in my marriage! I need to be the only sexual desire for my husband! All his sexual relations need to be with me! You need to leave and never come back!


A wife fighting for a healthy sexual relationship

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