Madrid Convention

We know you know these Slogans: “One Day At a Time” “First Things First” “Easy Does It” “Keep It Simple”

But have you heard of these? “Take The Cotton Out Of Your Ears and Put Them In Your Mouth” “Humility Is Not Thinking Less Of Yourself, But Thinking Of Yourself Less” “Anger Is But One Letter Away From Danger” “The Only Thing You Have To Change Is Everything” “SA Never Opened The Gates Of Heaven To Let me In, SA Did Open The Gates Of Hell To Let Me Out”

And what about these? “If God Seems Far Away, Who Moved?” “Have A Good Day, Unless Of Course You Have Made Other Plans” “Bloom Where You Are Planted” “If You Find A Path With No Obstacles, It Probably Doesn’t Lead Anywhere”

And there are many, many more for you to discover in the first SA International Convention & S-Anon, S-Ateen National Convention on the European continent!

Long-term sober members from the US, Israel, Russia, UK, Iran, Poland, Ireland, Columbia, Belgium, Mexico, and many other countries will share how the Slogans support their recovery and are used in their daily lives.

Book at Cost: 170 € Includes Convention Fee + 2 nights in a double room + all meals from Friday lunch till Sunday lunch!

We really hope to meet you at the most colorful and playful International Convention ever.

In grateful service,

Luc D. and the Madrid IC organizing committee

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