A Plea From Italy

Do you speak Italian? Are you available and willing to sponsor and help the growth of the young Italian fellowship? SA in Italy started on 9 Feb 2017 with a Skype meeting which helped reach sexaholics in various regions of the country—and Italian-speakers residing abroad, too. A Twelve-Step workshop with some fifteen participants in November helped to strengthen the fellowship and reach out. As of February 2018, besides the weekly Skype meeting, there are two face to face meetings, in Rome and in Como.

Newcomers are coming through the doors nearly every week. We are now facing a lack of sponsors as only a few of the members have had the chance to work at least the initial Steps, and most of the members speak only Italian. We need sponsors who can speak and sponsor in Italian. If you can help by taking one or more sponsees, please contact Luca M. (luca_essay@yahoo.com).

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