Humor For SA

“Endgame Strategies Of Choice”
For Sexaholics Anonymous Members

Endgame: the final stage of a game such as chess or bridge, when few pieces or cards remain.

Are you on a telephone call that’s starting to go on too long or veer into unwanted subjects? The endgame strategy of choice is to begin talking about a Step — any Step, 1 through 12, will do. The conversation will usually end within a minute.

Do you find yourself in a romantic relationship that you realize is not healthy and you need to end it? The endgame strategy of choice is to begin having sex with him or her. Naturally, this resets your sobriety date. It will usually end the relationship within a week or two.

Are you beginning to think you may have switched from your sexual addiction to a recovery addiction and need to get rid of all addictive behavior? The endgame strategy of choice is to decrease the number of meetings you attend and say “I pass” at the ones you do attend. Your recovery addiction fears will usually vanish within a month.

Are you afraid your sponsor is being too demanding and you need to let him or her go? The endgame strategy of choice is to tell him he is responsible for your recent slip and you’re tired of following his suggestions. Most often you’ll be ready for a new sponsor by the time you hang up on the call.

Technology Strikes Again!

The result of dictating a text message on the smartphone:

What was sent: “Our asses are in transit. I construction and is in December. They just didn’t mail until Friday.”

The text was meant to be: “Our Essays are in transit. Our subscription ends in December. They just didn’t mail until Friday.”

Kent A.

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