Third SA Colombia Congress

August 2015, Cali, Colombia

The third SA Colombia Congress, held in the city of Cali, was a wonderful event—a source of great joy! We enjoyed meeting many new members in person, and reconnecting with others. For several months beforehand, we met via Skype, and we held a preparation meeting in the city of Pereira in order to share ideas and plan for the Congress.

Because we are in a learning process here in Cali, we asked our fellow SAs in Mexico—who held their second SA Congress a month earlier—to share their experience with the speakers as well as the topics presented at their Congress.

We had anticipated that up to 30 people would attend, but only 18 could make it. Nonetheless, the joy of feeling that we are not alone—and could talk about recovery in a more natural way—was a priceless gift. Many fellows came from cities that had not attended past Congresses, and this also filled us with great joy. Via the Internet, we had the participation of Marco from Amsterdam, Brendan from Australia, and Zoila from Canada. We all shared our experience, strength and hope in SA, and again we saw how the program works miracles in our lives.

Sisters and brothers, let us all stay in close contact with each other, with the desire to work this beautiful program with enthusiasm, love, perseverance, and discipline. Many of us confirmed that without a sponsor we cannot work the program. I must also submit to God’s guidance, and remain teachable.

Our group conscience decided to hold the next Congress in the city of Pereira, with the support of the young fellowship from the city of Manizales.

God bless the fellowship of SA, and may He grant us all another 24 hours of sobriety.

In fraternity,

Oscar M., Bogota, Colombia

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