My Source of Strength

In a very real sense […] he has laid hold of a source of strength which, in one way or another, he had hitherto denied himself (12&12 107).

Lack of power, that has been my dilemma. Not only am I powerless over lust, I am powerless over everything else.

The things that have given me the most problems over the last few years of my recovery have been my income, the behavior of other people around me (especially my family members, people I interact with in my work, and other SA members), and my health. The struggle to keep things going, according to my plans, has ended each time with my defeat because I lacked the required power.

Where do I go from there? There is only one place—the surrender of Step One. I take the problem to the God of my understanding, who lovingly lifts it from my shoulders and reminds me that the challenge for me in this life is to have faith—faith in His love for me and in His plans for my joy, happiness, and abundance.

And as I look back, I see that He has kept His promise. The money I’ve needed has always been there (and no more!). My work has prospered. I was convinced that my sister was headed for disaster, but it never happened. The SA meetings, the intergroup, and the fellowship at large are all doing great.

Beloved Higher Power, please let me remember that I am but a small part of the universal plan and that You are the Master of it all. Help me to be willing today to surrender all my fears and doubts to You, and to have faith in Your absolute love for me and Your wonderful plans for my life.


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