SA Corrections Committee Report

We are very excited about our upcoming trip to the Southeastern Correctional Facility near Lancaster, Ohio. We purposely scheduled this visit around the SA International Conference in Cleveland on July 9 – 11, as it is our hope some members attending the conference will be able to visit the facility July 9. We will leave the hotel at 10:00 a.m. and return at 10:00 p.m. The facility is about three-and-a-half hours south of Cleveland.

We will meet a prison official who is very supportive of 12-step programs within the prison system and who is looking forward to becoming better acquainted with SA. We will also participate in a meeting of an SA group that meets twice a week in the prison. There are 20 – 30 inmates who are members of this group. We also plan to attend an SA meeting of men on probation later in the afternoon in Lancaster.

If you wish to participate, please e-mail us at or call us at (U.S.) 425-644-1597. We need your full name and social security number as soon as possible so you can receive clearance to enter the prison.

SACC Literature

The SACC is developing two forms and literature for use by SA members who want to participate in prison service work. Both forms have helpful guidelines regarding correspondence between members and inmates. We also have a sample letter that an individual, group or Intergroup can use as a model for writing a letter to prison officials to introduce them to SA. You can request these forms by contacting us at the above e-mail address or phone number, or by writing to us at SACC, P.O. Box 283, Bellevue, WA, 98009. The SACC sends out a letter to each inmate who requests our literature, describing the services we do and do not provide to inmates.

SACC Contributions

The SACC is in need of contributions to its fund. The Trustees and Delegates hope the Fellowship will contribute $8,000 to the fund this year. In the first quarter, we received $800. Please pass on this information to your local groups and Intergroups. Any donations may be sent directly to the International Central Office, earmarked for the SACC. Our outreach to prisons depends on your support and we thank you for it.

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