SA Corrections Committee Progress Report
We want to thank all members who have helped us to carry the SA message to sexaholics in correctional institutions. Progress is being made, as comparisons of the last two years demonstrate:
- In 1998, the prison literature fund was created so that members and groups could earmark contributions for our work. Contributions to the fund amounted to $5,343 by the end of 1998.
- In 1997, we received letters from 89 inmates in 20 states. In 1998, we received letters from 132 inmates in 34 states. As inmates hear about our Fellowship, they are requesting our literature and wanting to correspond with other sexaholics.
- In 1997, the SACC filled 97 requests from inmates for our White Book. In 1998, this figure jumped to 180 requests. Filling these orders was made possible by Fellowship support for the literature fund and by establishing better contacts with prison officials.
- From 1997 to 1998, the number of inmates attending SA meetings and using SA literature increased from one meeting of 19 inmates to 13 meetings in 13 correctional facilities with a total of 148 inmates using our literature.
- In the same time period, SACC outreach increased from contact with eight members in eight states to contact with 59 members from 23 states and four countries.
We are “planting seeds” in our prison service work. It will take time for them to grow. Yet we can already see where willingness, patience and labor are beginning to bear fruit because of the Higher Power.
Looking Ahead
We would like to see sexaholics who suffer in prison have the same opportunities to recover as those we have already contacted. You can help.
- We are looking for SACC representatives from around the country and internationally who will coordinate prison service work in their area.
- We need members who will correspond with and sponsor inmates.
- We need members who will contact prison officials and take SA meetings into prisons and county jails.
- We need financial support for our work from individual members, local groups and Intergroups. Your contributions will be split equally between literature and other SACC expenses incurred in carrying the message into prisons.
Please contact us if you would like more information about our work.
William R., SACC Chair