Reflections on a Year

This was submitted by an inmate as his “one year sober reflection”

My name is James D., and I have been sober since November 29, 2023. Since that day, I have had ups and downs. I’ve had several near-slips and a couple of regrets in the area of lustful thoughts.

Being sober for a year is not as easy as it seems, but on the other hand, it’s not complicated. I worked the Program every day and didn’t hide anything from my sponsor—or from myself, which I think is harder. That is one of my many defects: lying to myself. It’s not even hard to lie to myself because if I say the same thing enough times, I seem to make it into “truth” no matter how absurd or unreal.

Working in the image of Higher Power is the best way I have found to stay close and connected to Higher Power. The more I pray, the more I will see Higher Power keeping me on the right path to sobriety.

I’m a sexaholic, and I always have been and will be. I’m grateful to have been

sober for the past year.

James D., Virginia, USA

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