Gaining Access to the Prison System


Gaining Access to the Prison System

I first heard about prison meetings from a member who started prison contact through the Gideon Society in Georgia. He told me that I would have to take a course in order to qualify to enter prisons. I then heard from a prison chaplain who was running a number of recovery programs that he would be interested in running an SA program too. At the time I was corresponding with a fellow in that same prison and he encouraged me to go ahead and take the course. When the chaplain invited me, I went ahead and enrolled. The course oriented us onto the rules of the prison and how to handle prisoners’ requests. I sent some White Books to the chaplain and he allowed members to meet, discreetly, in a conference room in his office. I was never able to make any of their meetings because they were at 12 noon which clashed with my work, and then COVID started.

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Paul Z., Georgia, USA

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