The Big Book Is the Home_

The Big Book Is the Home Which She’ll Live In for the Rest of Her Life

I have to admit it. I spent a lot of my life searching for a solution. I used to think that I am drowning in a well, and I must find a solution in that well. But that all has changed now. After joining SA, I came to learn that I was looking for a solution in the mud of the problem! I am grateful to God that after I have joined the program, I simply did not leave and run away! I had a feeling, which I wasn’t sure about, but it said “stay in the program”. That feeling kept me going! It has transformed into a vision, and this vision has grown through taking the Steps. What a journey! The Steps are an ever learning classroom – life itself. I am extremely happy to share with you what I have learned from every Step.

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Mervat, Egypt

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