The road of our recovery started when a more experienced member accepted entry into a very special relationship with us: the relationship of one recovering sexaholic helping another recovering sexaholic. We can’t make it on our own. We need someone to “step into the ring with us” to provide guidance, support and encouragement. Our journey was consolidated and deepened when we in turn started to pass on to others what had been freely given to us.
In this April edition, we feature inspiring stories about the sponsor–sponsee relationship. “A Fiery Sermon” illustrates how sponsors sometimes show the way without words. An Australian old-timer explains why working on his character defects is as vital as stopping acting-out. Olga from Ukraine recognizes herself in the mirrors of her sponsees which help her see in herself what she would never have spotted without sponsorship. A fellow from Taiwan has come to learn that sponsoring is about letting God give of His abundance. An old-timer from Nashville shows in great detail how he works with sponsees, while his Israeli sponsee discovered that sponsorship is about giving, for free and for fun. A lady from Ohio shares how Step One set her free.
Also, get current on “2022, The Year of CFC.” Read about the progress of the CFC’s worldwide efforts in these first months of the year. Consider subscribing to the print version of Essay for your home group or yourself or giving a gift subscription to a sponsee or other sexaholic who needs it.
The Editorial Team