15th Anniversary of SA in Iran

By the grace of God, we celebrated the 15th birthday of SA fellowship in Iran on May 10th. Nearly 700 SA members, men and women, from all over Iran gathered for this anniversary celebration.

We had two speakers from Iran who shared their experience about recovery. We also had guest from Ireland and Austria sharing through VoIP and interpreters. We gave out chips to 100 members ranging from 24 hours to 16 years of sobriety. A group of members performed a spiritual play about recovering from sexual addiction.

One of the highlights was a balloon ceremony. We gave a balloon to each member at a table and asked them to write on it any defect that they suffer from. These writings were just for their Higher Power. After the program, we released the balloons in the sky while we read the Third Step prayer. We surrendered our imperfections along with the balloons as we asked of our Higher Power to remove these defects from us.

We also had a prayer request paper and each member prayed for another member through this way.

We thank God who gave us the opportunity to grow, recover, and celebrate humanity on the path with SA. We pray for all sexaholics around the world.

Aida Gh., Tehran, Iran

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