A New Vision

Two weeks ago I had cataract surgery in my right eye. It was easy and painless, and I recommend it. The additional benefit was that it changed my way of looking at things. All I have to do right now to see the change is to close my right eye and look at the world…dark, blurry and yellow-tinged. This is my old way of seeing things. Then I close my old eye and look at the world through my corrected lens…light, clear and sharp. I see reality differently.

I used to walk into the kitchen and say to my wife, “Dear, how can you see in this poor light? Turn on the light!” I thought the world was like how I was seeing it.

I used to indulge lust wantonly, and my life was out of control. I was seeing things through a selfish lens. “What will give me pleasure? I want to have this. I need to have this regardless of its cost to my health!” I was unhappy, even suicidal. Life was dark. My self-will was not producing good fruit. My life was a mess.

Sick and tired of this dark world, I searched for a better way and found SA. I started attending meetings. I found a sponsor. I made a commitment to be sober and work for the life offered me in the fellowship of SA. My life improved. In fact, it keeps on getting better. I go to more meetings each week now after 13 years in the program, than I did each week in my first years in the program. Sobriety has made me happy. I see the world more clearly, and it is bright and hopeful. I am grateful for the meetings, my sponsor and my Higher Power. I have a new vision of life!

K.B., Missouri, USA

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