St. Louis Convention Report

The Saint Louis SA International Convention lived up to its theme of Gateway to a New Freedom. Events began with the annual July meetings of the Trustees and the Delegate Assembly. Thirty-two delegates and alternates from around the world and eight Trustees were present. Ten or more observers were also present from time to time. New Trustees were affirmed and a wide range of Reports and some agenda items were discussed and voted on. The Twelve Concepts provide the structure for our SA business and committees.

Friday afternoon the conference itself began with a multitude of smaller program meetings and the major mealtime speakers. By the Sunday noon ending there were 367 SA registrants, 163 S-Anon, 23 in both fellowships and seven S-Ateens for a total of 562. We learned that at the at the November 1983 International Conference 19 people attended! After the Friday night Birthday meeting we heard that over 1200+ years of sobriety were recognized, including Helmut M from Germany with over thirty years sobriety.

Some memorable lines from the speakers and workshop leaders include:

  • Therapist to client: Since I last saw you, did you get a face lift? Client: Yes, I had a 12 Step face lift!
  • Your behaviors are not the essence of who you are. If they were, you would not have been dying inside when you did them.
  • For years I was working my own private program in SA – and eventually I flunked out! Then, I came back.
  • When God is gone, anything else is possible. I descended into darkness.
  • I love surrender now. I hated it and did not want surrender before.
  • My passions make great servants, but poor masters.
  • I’m learning how to be Living Life Emotionally Sober.
  • Don’t get too good before you get too well.
  • Love is acknowledging another person is real.

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