Talks by Roy K. at Bad Herrenalb, Germany


Excerpt of a talk given by Roy K. at Bad Herrenalb, Germany in 1985

My name is Roy and I’m a recovering sexaholic.

I’m very pleased to be here. The SA groups from the United States and Canada send their greetings and are with us here today. I have mixed feelings, very emotional feelings being here, and the feelings are all good — too good to be true.

I know you’re all wondering who I am and what I’m going to say. I am, too. [Laughter] The plan of the seminar is not structured at all, and I want to leave it flexible.

What I say will also be true of others, but I can only speak for myself. Above all, I want our sessions to bring us together, and to see what God has in store for us. I’m here because I want to be better and I want to grow. And I think everyone in this room is here because you want to live and you want life more abundantly.

I want to tell you what I am not. I’m not a psychologist, a sexologist, or a therapist. I’m not an expert on sex addiction. I’m not a spokesman for Sexaholics Anonymous. I’m not a religious person in the sense of being connected to the religious establishment, although I was raised in a German Protestant Church, and I love the German language and the German people, but I’m sorry — forgive me — for not knowing German.

What I am is a recovering sex drunk. I’m going to be talking about myself. You will have different reactions because you have different needs. I cannot meet your needs. I can only bear witness to the truth of my own experience.

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