Translation Efforts In The Indian Fellowship

Those of us who’ve been in the SA India fellowship since 2014 tried to start working on a White Book translation many times over the past few years. It was paused due to the lack of participation. Initially we were frustrated; some even left SA. Over time, we learned that things happen best when we give it over to God. We prayed for desperate newcomers. We prayed for a bigger fellowship. We prayed for the courage to speak about SA and spread awareness. As a result of prayers, we now have a newcomer each week and many have language differences.

Over time, regional and other language groups started forming. Also, a bunch of members decided it would be a good idea to have a Hindi White Book. What had not happened over many years was suddenly charging ahead at full speed. Within a month, a few members created the first draft of the Hindi SA White Book! It seemed like a miracle!

Now we have weekly meetings to go through each sentence and some oldtimers from other fellowships who are involved in translation, helping us to further refine it.

Some of the challenges we face are lack of sobriety, members skipping meetings, differing opinions, and the challenge of finding the right word when there is no easy way to describe what the White Book is saying.

We often thought of collecting money to have a professional translate the book. But the meetings are enjoyable. Perhaps the journey is more important than the destination.

Yuyutsu M., India

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