Isn’t it ironic: in our disease, we had no choice but to act out; we simply had to; but in recovery, our hearts change and we have no choice but to reach out—we simply have to. Everyone who gets sober, who begins to experience the fruits of recovery wants, as a natural consequence, to help others get sober, especially newcomers.
In this month’s ESSAY, we focus on how to welcome newcomers, and how to keep them. Different groups around the world have their own way of doing it, but however each group does it, the object is the same—to welcome the new guy or gal, nervous, despairing, just in the door, and pass on the good news: there is a solution; life without lust is possible, and joyful—imagine!
Our program comes with batteries included—all the tools, nuts and bolts necessary for
overhaul of the heart are included. A submission of the Munich group in this issue gives an interesting perspective on how they adapted their old system of welcome to make it a warmer experience. Read also how the Philadelphia group developed their newcomer orientation format. Also covered in this issue is an inspiring story from a member who traveled all the way from San Diego to the International Convention in Cracow. We include the latest news relating to the Jan 2024 International Convention in Jerusalem.
Finally, we hope you enjoy the quotes, related to newcomers and adapted from the AA literature and slogans, at the bottom of each left page.
In fellowship,
The Editorial Team, essay@sa.org