The Israeli fellowship in 2023

The Israeli Fellowship in 2023


The Israel SA fellowship has seen tremendous growth in numbers and quality of recovery since it began in 1996. At our annual national SA conferences, with S-Anon’s participation, we often have between 400 and 500 attendees. 

Our Israel Region is made up of five intergroups from around the country, and it includes both Hebrew- and English-speaking groups, with over 70 meetings registered.  

Nonetheless, we have been experiencing challenges as a fellowship, beginning around the time of Covid-19. The number of sober members has dropped. There is less long-term sobriety. A generation of new members have mostly known Zoom meetings and not face-to-face recovery. There is a feeling that understanding of the spiritual foundation of our life-saving program is at a bit of a low. There are fewer conferences, and groups have become more centered around themselves. There are fewer 7th Tradition donations to the Region, and fewer people are doing service outside their home and outside their home groups. Coming out of the pandemic, we are trying to switch from surviving to thriving by restarting workshops, conferences, and overall service activities. An ad-hoc committee was set up to work out financial problems that didn’t exist before the pandemic. Conferences and working on the upcoming International Convention are helping rekindle the spirit of the fellowship.

There are also outside issues here that are apparently giving the program a tailwind, pushing us forward here in Israel. Using prostitution has become an illegal offense. The welfare services are slowly recognizing and attempting to treat what is called CSBD (Compulsive Sexual Behavioral Disorder). Courses on the subject are being taught to professionals, where they are meeting SA representatives and hearing the SA message.

An internet program (Guard Your Eyes) for overcoming pornography and lust addictions has launched an advertising campaign, leading to increased public awareness and, indirectly, to more new members coming to SA. 

One of the Trustees with whom we are consulting called our problem possible “spiritual apathy,” and hopefully our fellowship’s recovery will come from connecting to the 36 Principles of recovery, unity, and service.

International Convention Committee - Jerusalem

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