Reporting on Truro Recovery Day — 2024


Last weekend (early April 2024), about 20 SA members spent about 14 hours together for “Truro Recovery Day” in Cornwall, UK (Truro is a quant cathedral city in southwest England). One of the smallest groups in the UK (the Truro meeting) hosted this annual event of the southwest corner of England.

It was a total game-changer for me. I was often seen removing my glasses to dab at my tears because of many spiritual experiences I enjoyed.

I had no problem being the only woman, which is a huge tribute to the recovery of the guys that attended the event. I felt completely at home among everyone and had no thoughts of lust. I got some warm handshakes, and I even held hands for the Serenity Prayer, which we all seemed very comfortable with. I clearly communicated that I preferred handshakes over hugs, and everyone graciously respected this safety line of mine. I was so pleased at how such a small group managed this mixed-gender event.

We began with a check-in sharing our names and addictions, followed by a top-plate meeting. Then we enjoyed reading and sharing on Steps 2 and 3. We enjoyed a fun recovery quiz over lunch, which the Truro group thoughtfully arranged thinking of vegetarian, halal, and kosher needs.

The afternoon meeting featured our wonderful guest speaker from Alaska via video link; his ESH was amazing to hear. He laid out a simple kit of spiritual tools I took home with me. It gave me a powerful arsenal to more effectively live a Program-centered life, whether I’m directly working my recovery or “practicing the principles” in all my affairs. He explained his structured approach with set times for SA activities and for his family. This was helpful to me as my sponsor and others are teaching me to implement a similar structure in my own life.

I was truly humbled as I took a chip for a significant sobriety milestone. I realized how far I had been drifting in my recovery, and I shared my fear of going back home to my isolated life. I’m so grateful for those brothers with whom I could get that in the light with. We ended the day with a daily sobriety renewal meeting and the Third Step Prayer.

This was the best recovery experience I’d had since the Scottish Convention two years before. I haven’t been that happy in years! The wonder of the experience began with group dinner on Friday night, spilled across breakfast on both days, and washed into Sunday morning as several attendees enjoyed a walk on the beach together. It was an amazing experience for me overall, and being the only woman, I felt totally safe at all times.

Many thanks to those who traveled long distances, and to everyone who celebrated together this miracle of recovery for which I am never sufficiently grateful.

Kathie S., Devon, UK

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