SACC Literature Fund
At the January 1998 International Conference in Daytona Beach, Florida, the Trustees and Delegates of Sexaholics Anonymous created the SACC Literature Fund. The SACC was directed to “implement a plan to encourage donations from intergroups to cover literature costs for prisoners.” No one knew at that time exactly how we would go about doing this or what the response would be. By the end of the year, however, members had contributed $5,342.99 to the fund.
At the January 1999 International Conference in Sacramento, California, the Trustees and Delegates decided to divide contributions to the fund equally between the cost of sending literature to inmates and the expenses of the committee. They raised the budgeted goal for donations to $7,000. Once again our Fellowship has risen to the occasion. As of November 30th, members have given $7,245.61!
Since the fund was started, individual members have sent in donations, local groups have begun passing a monthly SACC basket, and regional and international conferences have incorporated the SACC into their practice of the Seventh Tradition. Our committee wishes to thank all of you for your generous support of our efforts to carry the SA message to the sexaholic in prison who still suffers. So far this year, we have sent out 202 SA handbooks and brochures to inmates around the country!
Other SACC News
Our committee is looking forward to meeting with the Director of Mental Health Services for the Department of Corrections of the state of Tennessee on Friday, January 7th. This is the first time our committee has met with this level of state official. We are excited about this opportunity and ask for your prayers. What a way to begin the new millennium!
Members in Pennsylvania have successfully arranged with prison officials to start SA meetings in two new prisons. So far this year, five new prisons are offering SA meetings to inmates! We cannot emphasize enough that the most convincing evidence for prison officials that our program works, are sober members that approach them and ask if they can start a meeting on the “inside.”
If you are interested in contacting prison officials and would like information about how other members have approached them, please contact our committee.
Our committee has sent out an audiotape to Intergroups of two SACC speakers at the recent Unity Conference in Southern California. One of the speakers tells the story of his incarceration. The other tells how his recovery led to corresponding with inmates. We hope local groups will take the time to listen to these tapes. We believe in the years ahead, if we are faithful to our primary purpose, we will receive many more inmates who want recovery into our Fellowship.