Editor’s Corner

Dear ESSAY Reader,

Thank you for reading this issue of the ESSAY, our Fellowship’s quarterly magazine. Our hope is that the ESSAY can increasingly reflect the breadth of sobriety and recovery in SA and also be a “meeting in print.” Here we can share our experience, strength and hope with one another as part of our Twelfth Step work.

SA members can subscribe individually and through their groups. One year (four issues) costs $10.00 US. A group subscription of 10 or more copies sent to the same address is $8.00 US each. Payment can be by credit card, check or money order. An order form and return envelope are enclosed with this issue.

Recently we asked each Intergroup to help The ESSAY progress. We hope to have an Intergroup Representative to The ESSAY. We will invite ESSAY representatives to solicit ideas and materials for future issues of The ESSAY and also give them materials to help your local groups subscribe to The ESSAY. We also will ask the help of Intergroup Representatives with future issues of The ESSAY. You can contact us at essay@sa.org or by mail.

Thank you for your support of The ESSAY.


The ESSAY Interim Editors

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