Editor’s Corner

Dear ESSAY Reader,

Have you found something helpful in an issue of the ESSAY? Do you have something you can contribute to our quarterly? Would you urge another sexaholic to subscribe?

Hopefully you can answer, “Yes!” to all these questions. One day at a time, we hope the ESSAY adds to your collection of tools for sobriety. Your assistance in keeping the toolbox filled with the best and newest additions is essential.

The ESSAY is available by subscription (four issues per year) either as individuals or through your group. You can order on our website or by mail, using a credit card or check. We are making plans to make the ESSAY available in an electronic form. However you connect with us, we hope you will become a part of our growing ESSAY family.

Please contact us at essay@sa.org or by mail at

PO Box 111910
Nashville, TN 37222-1910 U.S.A.


ESSAY Editorial Committee

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