What’s Going On in SA

Farewell From The Loners Chair

My assignment was to keep Loners in touch with each other. I have been chairperson the last two years. Writing and receiving letters has been a special experience.

So many kids graduating from high school these days cannot write (and have horrible penmanship to boot). We have become so dependent on our electronic gadgets that we have allowed many of our God-given talents to wither away. If we can’t do the job with a gadget, then we don’t want to do it. Working with our hands is one of the most satisfying things we’ll ever do—actually seeing the results flowing from our busily working hands. When my hand is moving at just the right speed, and the pen is feeling comfortable in my grip, and the ink is flowing smoothly, and my mind is focused on the task at hand, the resulting script is beautiful to behold.

Many of us have lost the ability to be in awestruck wonder of what we can do with just our own two hands and nothing else. My mailbox isn’t always as full as I’d like it to be, but the thrill of receiving just one handwritten letter from a loner makes my efforts all worthwhile.

In fellowship,

Ellis P.

Ned C. is the new Chair of the Loners Committee. Thank you, Ellis, for all the letters, notes, and cards.

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