Norcross Celebrates First Birthday

In October 2003, three of us sat down to have the first-ever meeting of the Norcross group of SA in northeast Atlanta. At that time there were not many groups meeting in the Atlanta area. We decided that the group would be open to all members of SA, and that the newcomer would be the most important person at any meeting. Above all else, we wanted the newcomer to be able to feel “a part of” from their very first meeting.

At the second meeting, there were six of us; next, eleven, and then we needed a bigger room. Now, the average attendance is around twenty on any given Monday evening. The group became financially capable of paying its expenses and donating to the Georgia Intergroup and to SAICO this past July. What a great feeling it was to make those donations from our Seventh Tradition! We have members taking active roles as Trusted Servants, and we have members who will celebrate their own first year of sexual sobriety and lives that are becoming happy, joyous and free. What a gift from Higher Power!

This October, the Norcross group celebrated its first year. The miracle of recovery continues in Georgia. Since the Norcross group’s inception, two other local groups have begun, many of the groups in Georgia now have an email or phone contact listed on the website, and more and more suffering sexaholics are finding their way into SA rooms.

We thank Central Office for the support that we needed to get this meeting off the ground. We look forward to giving back to others, that which was so freely given to us.

In Loving Service,

Gary D., Norcross, GA

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