Group Inventory

  1. Does the meeting start and end on time?
  2. Are all attendees, including newcomers, made to feel welcome and accepted?
  3. Does the meeting focus on SA recovery through the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions?
  4. Do we share the problem and the solution?
  5. Are sponsors available, and are sponsors encouraging their sponsees to become sponsors?
  6. Do the members respect all Twelve Traditions?
  7. Is recovery seen and heard at the meeting?
  8. Are service positions filled, and is rotation of service practiced?
  9. Do we speak up for SA principles, no matter who might be displeased?
  10. Does our group always inform newcomers about the meaning and importance of anonymity in SA?
  11. Do we try to make the SA Fellowship known to people outside who need help? In what ways do we support our Intergroup, region, and SA International in their efforts to reach out?
  12. Do we make a point to welcome new members, talk with them, and offer phone numbers?
  13. Can new members find sponsors in our group?
  14. Does anybody in our group make a point to call newcomers, or members who have been missing from the meeting?
  15. Does our group concentrate on SA’s primary purpose? Do we focus our discussions on the Twelve Steps, the Twelve Traditions, the tools, and recovery?
  16. Does our group take time to discuss the Traditions? Do we take all Twelve Traditions into consideration when making group conscience decisions?
  17. Do we consider that our group’s attitudes and actions will mold many newcomers’ first impressions of SA as a whole?
  18. Does our group encourage members to speak briefly, or do we allow some to dominate discussions by speaking so much that others don’t get their turns?
  19. Do we encourage members to use the telephone to help ourselves and each other?
  20. Do we refrain from complaints and gossip?
  21. Do we criticize other SA members or groups whose approaches to working the program are different from ours?


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