Prayer and Resentment

If you have a resentment you want to be free of, if you will pray for the person or the thing you resent, you will be free (AA 552).

When I was new in the program, I was justifiably angry with someone I had resented for years. My sponsor told me to pray for the person I was angry with every day and every time he came to mind. I said, “You’re kidding, right?” Of course, he wasn’t. He said my prayers should be honest. My first prayer was, “God, please give that SOB just what he deserves.” My sponsor chuckled and said that would do for now.

I found that after a few days my prayer began to soften. I began to see how I let resentment dominate me. My prayer became more positive. Eventually I was able to ask for the same grace, serenity, and love for him that I wanted for myself and my family.

God, help me to see for one day that it’s not them.


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