What’s Going On in SA

Note from the Delegate Chair

Dear Fellow SA Members:

I’m grateful that more women have been attending SA meetings in recent years. By participating in this fellowship, women get to experience the same benefits of SA recovery as men do. Also, men and women who attend meetings together find that the experience leads to improved relationships with the opposite sex (see “Mixed Meetings,” SA 178).

Although most women who attend mixed meetings feel welcome and safe, some incidents of inappropriate behavior toward women have occurred. One incident occurred in my home group recently; another was described in September 2008 ESSAY (“Handling Disruptive Members”).

We who are old-timers in SA should take the lead in reminding others that Twelfth Step work includes welcoming all newcomers. We must cultivate an atmosphere of safety and acceptance in our meetings. An article in this ESSAY entitled “Welcoming Newcomer Women,” written by a female member, provides suggestions for helping female newcomers feel comfortable.

Women have been providing valuable service to the fellowship for years, including serving as Representatives, Delegates, and Trustees! We cannot afford to scare away any trusted servants. I ask the men, who make up the majority of our fellowship, to help keep our meetings safe for all.

Speaking of doing our part, we currently have two Trustee positions available, and two more terms expire in July. The fellowship needs more Trustees! Candidates (with five or more years sobriety) are nominated by their home groups and must understand that this is an unpaid job requiring about five hours of service a week. Please send recommendations (along with a service resume) to the Nominations Committee via SAICO.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve,

Larry H., Pittsburgh, PA

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