An Instrument of Grace

I never had the opportunity to meet Roy personally, but I feel the same about him as what I’ve heard he said about all of us: that we are his family. I first encountered the White Book in 1985, when I was in a recovery group that met in a counseling center. The group did not use the SA format exactly, but one of the group members also attended an SA group in Dallas and had a copy of the White Book. He offered to get a copy for anyone who desired one. I purchased a copy but never read it much until several years later.

After the recovery group, I had been trying to do the “Lone Ranger” thing and recover on my own. This didn’t work out so well for me. Then I remembered that there is a national organization for sex addiction, so I got out my White Book and looked up SA. In 1988, I began attending an SA group in Milwaukee and have been in the program ever since.

I have been greatly helped by reading the White Book as well as Roy’s other writings, including a book that he wrote under a pseudonym. To me, his anonymity in his writings shows great humility. His writings have also helped me work through some of my struggles about defining my Higher Power. Roy knew who his Higher Power was and he shared this as he felt led, without pushing his own concept of God on anyone.

Roy has certainly been used as an instrument of grace in many lives.

David B., Alaska

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