January 2010 International Convention

“Fellowship of the Spirit”
January 8 – 10, 2010, Nashville, TN

The Middle Tennessee Fellowships will once again host the winter International Conventions. Our theme describes the result of following the journey of Twelve Step Recovery: when we thoroughly follow this path, we will have a spiritual awakening and enter into the “Fellowship of the Spirit.” Often, the result of that awakening is a passion for carrying the message of hope and recovery.

During the convention, we plan to have a simple and tasteful memoriam of our founder Roy K. who passed away in September. But rather than merely mourn his loss, we want to celebrate the gift that he brought to us through his journey of recovery.

We invite you to trudge the road of happy destiny with us in January, and help us carry the message. A program has been developed around our theme, and many great topics are planned, with speakers and panel leaders from around the country.

For more information, visit our website at www.sa-sanonconventions.org, call our hotline 1-877-434-9006, or send us an email at SANIC2010@gmail.com.

We will gladly email you printable versions of the full flyer or registration page.

We look forward to seeing you in January!

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