January 2011 International Convention

“Sunshine and Serenity: Out of the Darkness and Into the Light”
January 14 – 16, 2011, Irvine, CA

“Baby, it’s cold outside,” are words from a classic wintertime song. For those of us who live in Southern California, “cold” means that the temperatures have dropped below 70 degrees. 70 degrees will be the average daytime temperature for the January 2011 SA/S-Anon International Convention.

To date, convention registrations are on record-breaking pace. Breakout meetings, international talent show, memory wall for Roy K. … These are just a few of the many things that will take place during this very spiritual weekend. Do something intentional for your recovery. Come and be a part of Sunshine and Serenity…out of the darkness and into the light.

Visit our website at SASANON2011.com for links to convention registration, hotel registration, convention highlights, and other information. You can also volunteer for service or contact any of our committee chairs with your questions. See you in January!

Tom K., Southwest Regional Delegate and Sunshine and Serenity Registration Chair

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