French-Speaking Intergroup

France, Belgium, and Luxembourg

SA’s French-speaking Intergroup was founded March 2, 2013, and in December 2013 we joined EMER. Currently, there are three French-speaking meetings in Europe: one in Lille, France; one in Brussels, Belgium; and one in Luxembourg. Our meetings are still quite small (five to nine members) so we always appreciate getting input from long-term SA members from other countries.

We also have three weekly French-speaking phone meetings, bringing together French speakers from France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada, and Israel. Occasional speaker meetings are being recorded in order to carry the message, and these are being added to the audio section of the EMER website. A member from the USA visited in October, and he spoke at the Lille, Paris, and Luxembourg meetings. For many this was an encouraging event to see a life which is living the promises.

Our website committee is working on a French website. We also have printed cards with SA contact numbers to distribute in medical facilities and other Twelve Step groups. We have a French-speaking buddy list which currently has over 30 members. It is designed to be used by loners to connect with other members.

A French-speaking “WhatsApp” (social media) group with about 10 participants has also proven to be a useful tool for us to keep in contact with each other. Selected text messages are being edited and posted on the article section of the EMER website, with consent of the members.

Also, in October, the Francophone IG had their annual Recovery Day (Journée de Rétablissement) in Lille with 13 members from our different groups.

If you are interested in helping our French-speaking Intergroup grow, please contact us at We would love to hear from you!

Marie-Paule C., Luxembourg

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