Sharing the Message

EMER and Russia, October – November 2015

Early this year, I was invited by the EMER Regional Assembly to travel and give some talks to the fellowship, at the Poland Congress of SA/S-Anon (October 23-25), in Poznan, Poland; The First Annual SA/S-Anon Retreat in Lille, France (October 30-November 1); and the Fifth Annual Russian-Speaking SA Convention (November 6-8) in Moscow. I also spoke at the SA/S-Anon Singles Weekend Retreat in Israel (couples were also invited), overlooking the Dead Sea, and the 12th SA/S-Anon Convention in Jerusalem (November 18). And since I would already be in Europe, the German-Speaking Region invited me to speak in Munich (October 16-18).

In addition to the EMER itinerary, I also conducted one-day workshops in Poland and Israel, as well as several speaker meetings, and I also attended a number of local meetings. At least 20 countries were represented at these events, including Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Iran, Slovakia and Ukraine. (The member from Iran was on a scholarship from other members in the U.S.)

At each of these events I shared my experience, strength, and hope with our members. This was a busy time but quite rewarding. Everyone was receptive to hearing how another member works the program.

Since I myself am a tactile and visual learner, I use coins, strings, and movement as metaphor for describing my disease and recovery. The beauty of this program is that we can each share the message in our own way because we all learn in our own way.

Some of the best sharing times started with: “I have one little question.” Or, “If you don’t mind my asking…” Or, “Do you have a minute?” Or, “He doesn’t speak English so I will translate.”

I was at an SA meeting in Russia with 20 people there: 10 men and 10 women. I was impressed with the women in Russia; they could teach us a lot about recovery. I attended a meeting in Israel where one member was 23 years old, and he had five years’ sobriety. The young people can teach us so much. At the Russia convention two men had come from seven time zones away. These members can teach us so much about “going to any length.”

I’m so grateful to be sober today, and for the opportunity to share that joy with others all over the world. May we meet again soon on the road of Happy Destiny.

Dave T., Lawton, OK

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