Holidays Then and Now

Sexaholism drove my view of holidays in the past. I hated them; they always took the focus away from my misery. When I couldn’t have my misery, I surely gave it away freely. Everyone around me was irritable, restless and discontent!

I Used To:

Today I:

  • Grieve the loss of what I didn’t have
  • Rejoice in the all the miracles around me
  • Be impatient for family to leave or for me to get home
  • Bless the fact that we can all be together
  • Get angry at my kid’s selfishness
  • Feel blessed that he has a wonderful life
  • Stew with vehemence that I didn’t get what I wanted
  • Bask in the warmth from joy of the pleasure of others
  • Feel remorse about stealthing out for a quick fix
  • Feel fulfilled with the warmth of family and friends
  • Resign myself to being bored
  • Arise with excitement to find out what’s coming next
  • Hate God for not bringing peace to the world
  • Thank God for His love and ask what I can do for my fellows
  • Ridicule others for their blind and bigoted beliefs
  • Share the joy of the Spirit and Love of the season
  • Mourn the past that it was not what I wanted it to be and try to control the future to be better for me
  • Feel the grace of the moment and give thanks for all the outside pressures that shape my day

This year, I reflected on how I used to react to holidays and how I react today. In Recovery, I have joy and hope each holiday season and a desire to be near the ones I love. It is only by the Grace of the Spirit of the Universe, God as I understand God, that I am able to be the citizen, the father, the husband, the brother that I am supposed to be. Not as I see myself, but as I let God mold me.

Peace on earth and serenity to all. Blessings.

Anonymous, Portland, OR

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