Aggressive Pursuit

I have been going through a rough patch in my recovery. For the last few weeks and months I have been coasting. Today is 501 days of sobriety. That is 1 year, 4 months and 2 weeks of sobriety. When I walked back into these rooms I was on fire. I had to stay sober. My life depended on it. As I gained sobriety life was getting better. My wife started to like me again. I was getting promotions and raises at work. Work was exciting again. I came out of the fog and I could see a great life ahead! Then the winter months hit. January and February. The sun went down early. The malaise took over in my life and the old habits of isolation and laziness begin to creep in. I stopped going to as many meetings. I wasn’t actively working the Steps with my sponsor. I wasn’t taking as many sponsee calls. I began to not write out my daily reprieve nor any other recovery experiences. I was spiraling towards a slip.

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Preston D., Tennessee, USA

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