I Am Forever Grateful

  • I am forever grateful to God for sound mind, body, and spirit.
  • I am forever grateful for family and love that comes with it.
  • I am forever grateful for SA fellowship and those that came before me.
  • I am forever grateful for modern medicine, that without, I would not be.
  • I am forever grateful for God’s flowing power that I feel on this day.
  • I am forever grateful for God giving me freedom from stewing about yesterday.
  • I am forever grateful because, without God, I live in fear of tomorrow.
  • I am forever grateful for a new attitude that released me from sorrow.
  • I am forever grateful for my imperfections and acceptance of bumps that come my way.
  • I am forever grateful, God, for my gifts and limitations that I can live with, just for today.
  • God, You brought me
    From insanity to peace
    From anger to tolerance
    From isolation to connection
    From unmanageability to acceptance.
  • Without gratitude for your flowing power, I lived a chaotic life filled with fear and resentment.
  • With gratitude and connection, I live in the present with tolerance, peace, and contentment.
  • That I get to live MY life, not others and enjoy the talents and gifts given to me.
  • I am forever grateful God, and I will pass the message, that others, too may see.

Mike S., New York, USA

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