SA Internet Marathon 2018

SA Internet Marathon 2018, formerly Geek Camp, met for 24 Hours on November 29-30!

My sincere and heartfelt thanks to all who helped make the SIM event a reality this year. I want to especially thank all the committee members who were a joy to work with. To all the speakers that shared their ESH. To the MC fellows who kept a close eye on SIM for 24 hours especially Daniel, Tzvi, and Brendan. I hope you get a good night’s sleep! To all the loners who joined us and the groups who came together. It was so great to see you online. Truly God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.

Yours in sobriety,

Cathal M., Chair, 2018

From The SA Trustees

Dear Cathal and SIM Committee Members,

Congratulations on SIM 2018! Our SA message of recovery came through loud and clear, with sincerity, dedication and a good measure of humor as well. Thanks to all the speakers who shared their lived experience, strength and hope so generously.

I feel certain that this global marathon has now become a fixture within our Fellowship and will thrive and grow as a result of your efforts and that of those who launched this last year.

Thanks to EMER for leading this event. Next year and thereafter SIM will be a worldwide Fellowship event under the Trustees’ Committee lead by Gene T. and Kent A. Your continued participation and contributions will be greatly appreciated.

SIM is a powerful and promising tool to be used in meeting our primary purpose of carrying the message to those who still suffer.

Thanks to our Higher Power who makes all of this possible. May we continue to do his will.

Gary L., BoT Chair

SIM 2018 Numbers and Outreach

An early analysis shows that there were 1,434 users of the SIM 2018 platform and of whom 1,054 were “new” to the EMER host website. At a number of viewing sites there were multiple SAs sitting together, so the total of participants may be higher. They attended 2,210 sessions with an average length of 1 hour 15 minutes!

The language preferences of the participants were 70% English (USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand), 4% Polish, 6.3% Spanish (Spain and South America and USA), 2% German (Germany, Austria), 1.5% Farsi (Iran) and a few others. There were 49 nations represented by participants.

SIM 2018 Participant Nations:

United States; Poland; United Kingdom; Israel; Canada; Iran; Germany; Colombia; Ireland; Spain; Australia; Mexico; Netherlands; India; Singapore; Belgium; Peru; Slovakia; Egypt; Italy; France; Kenya; Ukraine; Bolivia; Guatemala; Russia; South Korea; Lithuania; New Zealand; Romania; Austria; Switzerland; Japan; Luxembourg; Malaysia; Slovenia; South Africa; Argentina; Bulgaria; Brazil; Denmark; Ecuador; Greece; Nigeria; Panama; Saudi Arabia; Thailand; United Arab Emirates; Belarus

SIM 2018 Gratitudes

Many thanks to Cathal and the whole team for putting on an unforgettable marathon that for so many demonstrates for the first time the breadth and depth of our blessed fellowship and helps people no longer feel apart from but instead daily in the middle of the lifeboat called SA. Enormous love and dedication went into this and these came through to all who plugged in. This IS the fourth dimension. And it’s only a foretaste of what is yet to come. Again, deepest thanks!

Laurens, USA

Thank you very much for such a beautiful service to use technology in this way. What almost destroys me today helps me to heal if I am truly willing. Although my English is still very basic, I have felt blessed to hear words like: miracle, hope, good will, joy, God, Strength, Twelve Steps. In my limited English I have been able to identify them and I feel that I am not alone.

Fabian O., Ecuador

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